© Sarah Oakes 2015


My own storytelling in the BBC, Guardian and Huffington Post has  touched the hearts and minds of thousands with global repercussions.  A viral blogpost on birth trauma reached over 100,000 in weeks, catalysing an uprising of women's voices across traditional and social media, demanding systemic change around the way we birth. Subsequent enquiries to the UK Birth Trauma Association quadrupled, with lasting impacts on the mental health of traumatized women and their young families. The blog now forms part of a curricula for birth practitioners in training.

© CIFOR 2018


I am a science writer and editor, helping to translate scientific research data into practical action and public knowledge. I've worked on over 200 journal articles, reports, policy briefs and similar research communication documents, in fields relating to forestry (landscape approaches, gender, climate change mitigation, payments for ecosystem services, valuing of nature).